Art crossword

  1. 1. any work of art that uses more than one medium
  2. 6. how parts of an art work relate to each other in size or scale
  3. 7. green violet orange
  4. 9. Space, the area that surrounds or encloses the subject (sculpture)
  5. 13. a continuous mark made by a moving point
  6. 17. sense of movement in a composition created by the repetition of an element
  7. 18. the quality of neatness and attention to detail
  8. 23. listing of facts in an art work
  9. 25. the supporting structure under a sculpture
  10. 26. life, arrangement of objects that cannot move on their own
  11. 27. determines the quality or lasting importance of an art work
  12. 30. identifiable subject matter with simplified or rearranged visual elements
  13. 31. no recognizable subject matter
  14. 32. code of verbal and behavioral expectations in society or in a specific setting such as during a critique
  15. 34. Space, the subject matter itself
  16. 35. artists personal way of using the elements and principles of design
  17. 36. copying another person's idea or work
  18. 38. sense of importance given to any one part of the composition, or focal area of a work Movement--way elements of art direct a viewer's eye through a work, often to a focal area.
  19. 40. personal or cultural sense of beauty
  20. 42. analysis of a work of art
  21. 45. sculptures, viewed only from the front
  22. 46. a difference in the use of two elements
  23. 47. red blue yellow
  24. 48. lightness or darkness of a color
  25. 49. how materials are used
  1. 2. personal explanation of the meaning of an art work
  2. 3. a personal inventiveness regarding the production of a work of art
  3. 4. name of a color
  4. 5. the display of an art work based on thoughtful consideration of how an artwork will be viewed.
  5. 8. subjective statement about liking or disliking a work based on personal preference rather than a fact
  6. 10. visual sensation produced by light and pigment
  7. 11. a single material an artist may use
  8. 12. the legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction of an original idea and work
  9. 14. quality of wholeness achieved when separate elements work together
  10. 15. material is added together or built up
  11. 16. brightness or dullness of a color
  12. 19. an object with 3-dimensions
  13. 20. image of land and natural objects
  14. 21. the use of borrowed elements in the creation of a new work
  15. 22. lightness and darkness of a color or value scale
  16. 24. a circle with different colored sectors used to show the relationship between colors
  17. 28. small quick sketches that capture possible sculpture ideas
  18. 29. way a surface feels to the touch (actual) or how it appears to feel through vision (implied)
  19. 33. an enclosed area of space with 2-dimensions
  20. 37. subject matter that looks real; representational
  21. 39. repetition of one or more elements
  22. 40. examination of relationships among the elements of art and facts in an art work often using the principles of design
  23. 41. way elements of art are arranged to create a sense of stability and equal visual weight
  24. 43. material is taken away or removed
  25. 44. image of a person or group of people