Art Movements
- 1. a circle of Dutch abstract artists who promoted a style of art based on a strict geometry.
- 4. translates to “wild beasts.” Known for strong colors and fierce brushwork.
- 7. painting in the 1960s that used geometric forms to create optical effects.
- 8. Light, sensuous, intensely decorative French style developed in the early 18th century.
- 10. Early 20th century movement that aimed to capture dynamism and energy of the modern world.
- 12. French word meaning rebirth, great revival of art that took place in Italy.
- 14. used to describe art that makes reference to ancient Greek or Roman style.
- 16. Global movement from the early 20th century reacting to modern industrial life.
- 17. Art that distorts reality in order to make it expressive of the artist’s inner feelings or ideas.
- 20. changes in Impressionism developed by Cezanne, Gauguin, Seurat and van Gogh.
- 21. movement in art & literature distinguished by a new interest in psychology, expression, and interest in the natural world.
- 23. anti-war, anti-bourgeois, anti-traditional art.
- 24. Refers to painting that carries a clearly discernible social or political comment.
- 2. developed in France in the 19t century and based on the practice of painting outdoors.
- 3. Explored the workings of the mind, championing the irrational, the poetic, and revolutionary.
- 5. Revolutionary school of art, architecture and design established by Walter Gropius in 1919.
- 6. painting style characterized by painstaking detail and precision.
- 9. 16th style characterized by sensuous distortion of the human figure.
- 11. refers to a mid 19thcentury movement characterized by subjects painted from everyday life.
- 13. school of North American artists who used realist techniques to depict social deprivation and injustice.
- 14. artists aimed to show different viewpoints at the same time and within the same space.
- 15. dominant 17th century style characterized by self-confidence, dynamism and realistic depiction.
- 18. movement that drew inspiration from sources in popular and commercial culture.
- 19. Extreme form of abstract art developed in the USA in the 1960s.Luminism, applied specifically to the American landscape painters of the Hudson River School.
- 22. Resurgence of classicism that emerged from about 1750.