Art Review
- 3. the shape of an egg
- 5. When something is not symmetrical
- 8. The distribution of weight within a work of art
- 9. a three dimensional shape
- 10. a three dimensional circle
- 12. The repetition of elements in a work of art
- 14. shapes that are found in nature. They can be blobs, leaves, clouds, etc.
- 16. a can is this form
- 17. _______ and score - the way of attaching clay together
- 18. The last name of the artist who created mobile sculptures
- 19. An artist who designed the St. Louis Zoo Gate. He used life sized proportions to make his sculpture feel realistic
- 20. The last name of the artist who created cardboard masks
- 21. the oven that is used to fire ceramics
- 1. the term used to explain the process of clay going through the kiln
- 2. The shapes that are found in math class- they are man made shapes
- 4. the lightness and darkness of an object
- 6. When something is the same on both sides
- 7. The distribution of weight within a work of art - can be symmetrical or asymmetrical
- 11. The size of an object in relationship to another object
- 13. the material we used to create masks
- 15. a three dimensional square
- 19. the name of the tool to help you bend wire