Art Vocabulary
- 2. 3D; can be viewed from all angles
- 4. an enclosed line
- 7. image looks real but contains parts/imagery that is not possible
- 10. looks like a photograph
- 11. the center of interest in an artwork
- 13. a moving point
- 16. image that has emotion or feelings
- 18. art that uses images from popular culture
- 19. the way something feels or looks as if it would feel
- 20. the property of an object we see because of light
- 21. how the artwork ties together to become one
- 22. looks real-like life
- 24. distances, areas around, between, and within components of an artwork
- 1. opposites
- 3. the flow of the artwork
- 5. the moods/emotions/feelings portrayed in an artwork
- 6. the lightness or darkness of a color
- 8. another name for the principles of design
- 9. the visual weight of objects within an artwork
- 12. another name for the elements of art
- 14. materials, tools, and techniques used to create a work of art
- 15. no recognizable objects in the artwork
- 17. repeating elements in an artwork
- 23. artwork that is changed or altered in some way that is impossible