Articles 4-7 and Bill of Rights

  1. 3. The amount of state legislatures that are needed to ratify a new amendment
  2. 6. Citizens of each state are entitled to the privileges of citizens in other states.
  3. 11. States must respect each other's public acts, records, and judicial proceedings.
  4. 13. Quatering Soldiers
  5. 15. A fugitive from justice in one state must be returned to that state if found in another state.
  6. 16. explains the process for amending the Constitution.
  7. 18. The amount of state legislatures needed to propose a constitutional amendment
  8. 20. Protection against cruel and unusual punishment
  9. 21. Number of states needed to ratify the Constitution
  1. 1. Rules for admitting new states to the Union and the management of federal lands.
  2. 2. Amendment that says police need a warrant to arrest/search you.
  3. 4. Amendment that protects all rights not written in the Constitution
  4. 5. Amendment that protects freedom of speech, religion, etc.
  5. 7. Right to bear arms
  6. 8. emphasizes the relationships between states and their citizens.
  7. 9. finalizes the ratification process of the Constitution.
  8. 10. Amendment that guarantees Due Process
  9. 12. Amendment that states all poweexpresslypressly given to the government are for the states/people
  10. 14. Amendment that guarantees you a Speedy Trial
  11. 17. establishes the supremacy of the Constitution and federal laws.
  12. 19. Amendment that guarantees you a trial by jury in cases over $20 or more