artificial technology

  1. 1. a name other than your own
  2. 4. everything around or in a place
  3. 8. to put objects in a place where they can be seen easily
  4. 11. good enough, suitable
  5. 12. a young child
  6. 13. to transfer data onto computer
  7. 14. these AI systems have no memory and are task specific
  8. 15. scientific test done to see what will happen to sth under particular conditions
  9. 19. to behave in a certain way as a result of sth
  10. 20. device used to make sounds louder or to record them
  1. 2. this technology gives a machine the ability to see
  2. 3. to develop
  3. 5. a serious study of sth
  4. 6. save data on a computer
  5. 7. a separate part of a book, newspaper, magazine,..
  6. 9. computer program
  7. 10. to create, to produce
  8. 16. a series of actions carried out in a computer to deal with information
  9. 17. to move from one place to another
  10. 18. to show to the public