ASD1 Ch3 vocab part 2

  1. 2. to need
  2. 5. by school bus
  3. 6. store
  4. 8. to send an e-mail
  5. 11. because
  6. 12. MP3 player
  7. 14. to use
  8. 18. computer
  9. 22. to surf the Web
  10. 24. How much does it
  11. 27. to buy
  12. 28. computer
  13. 29. why?
  14. 30. music
  15. 32. de far (from)
  1. 1. to go back, to return
  2. 3. Look!
  3. 4. de before
  4. 7. DVD
  5. 9. salesperson, employee
  6. 10. cash register
  7. 13. to pay
  8. 15. money
  9. 16. to work
  10. 17. when?
  11. 19. What’s going on? What’s happening?
  12. 20. de near
  13. 21. to go on foot
  14. 23. de after
  15. 25. during
  16. 26. (to) where?
  17. 31. to look for