
  1. 2. Force * Distance
  2. 3. A bar that pivots on the fulcrum
  3. 7. Force applied to an object by a person or another object
  4. 9. Egyptians used this machine to build pyramids
  5. 12. A combination of two or more simple machines made to do work
  6. 16. 7th simple machine that changes speed and direction
  7. 17. A pulley system that is made of both fixed and movable pulleys
  8. 18. Machine made of two wheels with different sizes
  9. 20. Something that does work easier
  10. 21. Unit of measurement for power
  1. 1. A machine with no work is lost to friction
  2. 2. Work done by you on a machine
  3. 4. A number that tells how many times a machine multiplies work
  4. 5. Unit that measures work
  5. 6. Ratio of Output to Input work as a percentage
  6. 8. Fixed, Movable, Block and Tackle
  7. 10. Rate at which work is done
  8. 11. Force done by you onto the machine
  9. 13. Force that the machine does on an object
  10. 14. Machine made from two Inclined planes
  11. 15. Work done by machine on another object
  12. 19. Inclined plane around a cylinder