Asia crossword

  1. 6. A worldwide desease said to be created in Wuhan, China. (hint:it is not Pitbull)
  2. 7. The form of government in North Korea
  3. 11. Capital of South Korea
  4. 13. Capital of China
  5. 14. The rule stating only one child allowed
  6. 15. Weapons developed in North Korea
  7. 16. Capital of North Korea
  8. 17. Mountain range in Asia
  1. 1. The way money is moved and traded in a country
  2. 2. A problem created by China's big factories and cities
  3. 3. One of the cities nuked in World War 2
  4. 4. Main food in China and many countries
  5. 5. Chinese communist leader
  6. 8. Flat area in China, used for crops
  7. 9. the amount of people in a given area
  8. 10. A field of technology Japan thrives in
  9. 12. Capital of Japan
  10. 18. What side Japan was on in World War 2