Asia Geography

  1. 3. the largest country in Asia.
  2. 4. the tallest mountain range in the world.
  3. 7. the largest desert in Asia.
  4. 9. the country directly north of India.
  5. 10. Capital city of Thailand.
  6. 12. An island nation off the east coast of China.
  7. 13. the country directly north of China.
  8. 15. the tallest mountain in the world.
  9. 16. A major river in India.
  1. 1. the country northwest of India.
  2. 2. Second most populated country in the world.
  3. 5. the country off the southern tip of India.
  4. 6. the country with the largest population.
  5. 8. Country south of Bhutan.
  6. 11. Country with the most Muslim people in the world.
  7. 14. Capital city of the Philippines.