Asia Test Review

  1. 3. An industry with many restrictions in Southeast Asia.
  2. 7. River on the border of China and North Korea.
  3. 10. Guitar like instrument used in Indian culture.
  4. 12. Japan has a lot of these types of natural disasters.
  5. 13. Sapphires and Rubbies are found in this country.
  6. 14. A country south Kyrgyzstan.
  7. 15. A country NOT in the Middle East.
  8. 19. A body of water to the west of Middle East.
  9. 20. A ring shaped chain of islands.
  10. 21. Smaller peninsula of Southeast Asia
  11. 22. The yellow-brown silt gives this river its name.
  1. 1. Mountains that run north and south.
  2. 2. Japan is made of how many main islands.
  3. 4. Largest country in the world.
  4. 5. Largest freshwater lake in the world.
  5. 6. Mountains home to the origin of Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
  6. 8. Country north of India.
  7. 9. Sea that borders the Caucasus region.
  8. 11. Body of water between China and Japan.
  9. 16. A country north of Armenia.
  10. 17. Ocean north of Russia.
  11. 18. River in which 1/10th of the world's population lives.