- 2. To refuse to buy goods until quality improves or price goes down
- 4. Colony's leader
- 6. Nationalist leader
- 8. Leader in India for freedom and peace
- 10. To boycott British cloth
- 13. Name for India because of its natural resources
- 15. Four modernizations
- 18. Deitary passive resistance
- 19. Purge the communist party!
- 21. Seperate
- 22. Nickname for India during British colonization
- 23. Stop work and demand good conditions
- 24. Great Soul
- 1. Another name for Nationalist party
- 3. Controled India before the British
- 5. Promised the poor in China their own land
- 7. Trying to modernize China's economy
- 9. The British were in Hong Kong and smuggling in opium
- 11. Peaceful opposition
- 12. British taxes on salt
- 14. Rule from afar
- 16. Two major exports
- 17. Communist leader
- 20. Passive, not fighting