Seminary Spring Semester Review

  1. 1. Watch out
  2. 6. Engraving words upon plates, according to Jacob
  3. 7. Isaiah's "Mountain of the Lord"
  4. 8. ___ upon the words of Christ
  5. 11. God will give unto the children of men ___ upon ___ precept upon precept (same word)
  6. 12. Nephi's favorite
  7. 15. The Lord of the vineyard (Jacob's allegory)
  8. 16. Saved from a rock climbing fall by his brother's grasp
  9. 17. Divine help or strength extended through the Atonement of Christ (and a girl in our class)
  10. 18. A marvelous work and a wonder
  1. 2. As you focus on celestial thinking, expect to encounter this.
  2. 3. Jacob warned of the sin that will "destroy your soul"
  3. 4. When Satan is bound and Jesus will reign on earth
  4. 5. All are ___ unto God
  5. 9. Seeks to grasp us and drag us down, like a camouflaged crocodile
  6. 10. First Anti-Christ in the BOM
  7. 13. Not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less
  8. 14. Morally clean in thoughts, words, and actions