  1. 5. the theory also acts as a guide. It helps researchers choose data for analysis and make economical summaries of the data.
  2. 6. a principle should be suited to the mental and physical development of the pupil.
  3. 8. planned and guided set of learning experiences and intended outcome.
  4. 10. one of the result of curriculum planning; unclear
  5. 11. skills that help in creating and gaming new knowledge through reading, media and digital resources.
  6. 13. a theory that can predict the occurrence of as yet unobserved events on the basis of explanatory principles embedded in it.
  7. 14. this theory deals with speculation about the structure of the disciplines that comprise the curriculum.
  8. 15. such theory refers to speculation about appropriate means to attain what is considered valuable.
  9. 16. one of the basis of curriculum planning that deals with social issues
  10. 18. address "why". It not only points out the relationships between phenomena, but suggests either explicitly or implicitly the reasons for the relationships.
  11. 20. a curriculum design in which development of self is the ultimate objective of learning.
  12. 21. a principle in which child is needed to learn effectively.
  13. 22. skills required for successfully leading everyday life.
  14. 24. a principle that renew the culture to suit the requirement of the changing world.
  1. 1. this theory involves speculation about the appropriate means to attain the objectives most desired and to include the content judged to be the best.
  2. 2. skills required for acquisition of new knowledge.
  3. 3. a principle that will show a sign instead of being rigid to the curriculum.
  4. 4. a theory in which children are educated according to their emotional and behavioral qualities.
  5. 7. this is what the principles ask for those topics, content and learning experiences.
  6. 8. a design coming from a core, correlated curriculum design links separate subject designs in order to reduce fragmentation.
  7. 9. a process and a progress.
  8. 12. it is a principle of the curriculum that cultivate a sense of respect for his traditions and culture.
  9. 17. one of the functions of the theory that provides a narrative classification of knowledge in a particular theoretical field.
  10. 19. it is a design/a curriculum design that is related to the subject design.
  11. 23. this theory, very similar and have been discussing as scientific theory, speculation about occurrences. It attempts to predict what will occur given certain circumstances.