
  1. 2. simple sugar that is main source of energy for the body
  2. 6. who is type one diabetes most common in
  3. 13. chronic health condition in which the body dows not produce enough insulin
  4. 14. how much sleep do teenagers need per night
  5. 16. what way do the veins carry the blood
  6. 17. when the arteries to your heart get called
  7. 18. what carries the blood around your body
  8. 20. what sends out electric signals from the heart
  9. 21. name a chamber of the heart
  10. 22. name another chamber of the heart
  11. 23. how many types of cancer are there
  12. 24. what system is the heart in
  1. 1. what age group is most coomon for type two diabetes
  2. 3. what is the cardiatic cycle
  3. 4. what pumps your blood
  4. 5. when a tumor breaks away and travels to another organ
  5. 7. what is the resting heart rate for teenager
  6. 8. what is another word for high blood pressure
  7. 9. cannot properly use insulin produced
  8. 10. name anotehr chamber of the heart
  9. 11. when blood vessel clogs in brain
  10. 12. hormone that regulates blood sugar level
  11. 15. which way do arteries carry the blood
  12. 19. what are the blue lines on your wrists
  13. 22. name another chamber of the heart