Assisting Individuals in Crisis

  1. 5. Discerning distress from ________ is an important skill in CISM work.
  2. 6. If someone says they are ________ you should ask them what it means to them.
  3. 9. Stress may cause trouble with ________ making.
  4. 13. Cognitive ________ is a way of helping someone change their perspective on a situation.
  5. 14. This is one pillar of peer support.
  6. 15. Stress may cause an inability to ________.
  7. 18. Participation in CISM interventions should always be ________.
  8. 19. When doing psychological first aid, we should not try to ________ the problem.
  9. 20. The RITS and CMB are ________ interventions.
  10. 22. The ability of our brain to adapt and grow new neuro pathways is called ________.
  11. 23. Stress ________ tips and reminders should always be a part of CISM interventions.
  12. 25. A principle of crisis intervention.
  13. 27. Second meaning for the M in CISM.
  14. 28. A ________ intervention should never be applied to an individual.
  15. 30. Crisis intervention targets the ________ not the incident.
  16. 33. Crisis intervention does not eliminate the effects of critical incidents, but can ________ the effects and speed recovery.
  17. 35. This is a common stress reaction.
  18. 37. in PIE, the E stands for ________.
  19. 38. Even in small doses, this will help mitigate the effects of stress.
  20. 40. These neurons can help calm a person if you stay calm too.
  21. 45. A person having thoughts of suicide is likely experiencing a feeling of ________.
  22. 46. Second meaning for the C in CISM.
  23. 48. It is important that participants always understand that CISM is not an ________.
  24. 49. This is normal after a critical incident.
  25. 54. Consumption of this may cause a person to sleep but will interfere with sleep quality.
  26. 55. The first R of the Johns Hopkins continuum.
  27. 57. This is a common behaviour associated with stress and depression.
  28. 61. It is good to reduce or eliminate the intake of ________ following a critical incident.
  29. 62. “How did that make you feel?” is an example of a ________ question.
  30. 63. For PTSD to be diagnosed, disturbances must be present at least ________ days.
  31. 65. One of the main factors of how an event affects a person is their ________ of the event.
  32. 67. It is always important to ________ with people after any intervention.
  33. 68. Every SAFERR intervention should end with a ________ not matter how basic.
  34. 69. Boscarino found that CISM services were associated with reduced ________ disorder.
  35. 71. An important principle of peer support is to never interfere with ________.
  36. 76. The F in SAFERR stands for ________.
  37. 78. Anger is a common example of ________ distress.
  38. 79. Every time a person talks about their suicidal thoughts, the crisis intervenor should make a ________.
  39. 81. This may be a sign that someone is experiencing burnout.
  40. 82. Excessive or continuous ________ coverage may worsen or prolong the effects of a critical incident.
  41. 84. It is a goal of crisis intervention to ________ common reactions to critical incidents.
  42. 86. If a caregiver starts telling their story to the person in crisis, this may be happening.
  43. 88. Checking in with people around these dates is a supportive and important practice.
  44. 90. The third R of the Johns Hopkins continuum.
  45. 91. ________ one’s faith is an example of a severe spiritual reaction.
  46. 92. The second R of the John Hopkins continuum.
  47. 93. Depression may be associated with ________ libido, energy, and sleep.
  48. 94. The ICISF head office is in ________ Maryland.
  49. 95. A common theme that can be challenging to deal with is ________.
  1. 1. One reason the Cochrane reviews were invalid is they applied group processes to ________.
  2. 2. These can interfere with effective communication and providing crisis intervention.
  3. 3. Boscarino found that CISM services were associated with reduced incidents of ________ drinking.
  4. 4. Active ________ is a key skill for peer support.
  5. 7. Pre-incident ________ about the effects of critical incidents may help build resilience to these events.
  6. 8. The ability to bounce back from adversity is called ________.
  7. 10. A person may be stressed, but if they are still ________ well, there is no need for crisis intervention.
  8. 11. The first C in the CCDR method of suicide intervention.
  9. 12. This type of guidance suggests actions to be taken to help with recovery.
  10. 16. This type of guidance helps a person understand what they are experiencing now.
  11. 17. He originated the CISD.
  12. 21. It is important that participants understand the difference between confidentiality and ________.
  13. 24. This part of the brain controls fight or flight.
  14. 26. Defusing and CISD are examples of ________ interventions.
  15. 27. A physical reaction to a stressful event should be referred to a ________ professional.
  16. 29. When working with people in crisis you should avoid saying you ________ how they feel.
  17. 31. Clinicians cannot provide ________ except to other clinicians.
  18. 32. This is implied among peers helping peers.
  19. 34. International Critical Incident ________ Foundation.
  20. 36. A principle of psychological first aid is to foster ________.
  21. 37. One founder of the ICISF.
  22. 39. This is one of the most common things to be affected by a critical incident.
  23. 41. Peer support is not a substitute for ________ where it is required.
  24. 42. This type of stress reaction may be most easily noted by other people.
  25. 43. An effective active listening technique is ________ another’s words.
  26. 44. Critical incident stress is a ________ reaction to an abnormal event.
  27. 46. “Did you see the accident?” is an example of a ________ question.
  28. 47. Every intervention opening should include information about ________.
  29. 50. Under the CISM model, one mental health ________ must be present for a CISD.
  30. 51. In PIE, the P stands for ________.
  31. 52. The SAFERR model is a form of ________ first aid.
  32. 53. This type of guidance informs a person of what they might experience in the future.
  33. 56. Sometimes people who have experienced a crisis have strong feelings of ________.
  34. 58. Crisis intervention is not ________.
  35. 59. Sometimes even a devout person will experience feelings of ________ at God after a critical incident.
  36. 60. This type of support is common in first responder professions.
  37. 64. This is a common stress reaction.
  38. 66. The M in CMB stands for ________.
  39. 70. Second meaning for the S in CISM.
  40. 72. In PIE, the I stands for ________.
  41. 73. Second meaning for the I in CISM.
  42. 74. If the water is still rising, fill ________ and save crisis intervention for later.
  43. 75. This is a good form of stress.
  44. 77. These reviews have been shown to have flawed methodology and conclusions.
  45. 80. The A in SAFERR stands for ________.
  46. 83. A principle of crisis intervention.
  47. 85. The principle of ________ consequences tells us that there will be undesired effects of a suicide.
  48. 87. The S in SAFERR stands for ________.
  49. 89. A component of the CISM continuum is ________ planning.