
  1. 3. belt Region of space beyond Neptune that contains many comets,asteroids,and other small bodies made mostly of ice
  2. 4. Outer four planets
  3. 8. Hottest planet in our solar system
  4. 10. Largest of Saturn's moons
  5. 12. An extended shell of icy objects that exists in the outer part of our solar system
  6. 14. Inner four planets
  7. 15. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and manages to strike the ground
  8. 16. Creator of the show Cosmos
  9. 18. Coldest planet in our solar system
  10. 19. Mons The largest volcano in our solar system
  11. 20. Planet with the longest rotation period in the solar system
  1. 1. Small,icy solar system body that gives off a tail when passing close to the sun
  2. 2. The biggest planet in our solar system
  3. 5. Interstellar cloud of dust,hydrogen,helium and other ionized gas
  4. 6. a region of space with such an intense gravitational field that no type of matter or radiation can escape
  5. 7. First spacecraft to enter interstellar space
  6. 9. Only planet in our solar system that has intelligent life
  7. 11. Powerful explosion that occurs when a star dies
  8. 13. Body of matter from outer space that enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up
  9. 17. Largest moon in our solar system