At work

  1. 4. group work in which each person has a task to complete in order to achieve shared goal
  2. 6. to talk about work
  3. 9. a system in a company which lets people who have been working in there get promotion first
  4. 10. amount of work someone needs to do
  5. 13. hours: working hour which do not let a person have a normal social life
  6. 15. an adjective that describes doing the same thing every day
  7. 16. sharing desks at work (noone has an assigned seat).
  8. 18. the latest time by when something should be completed and hand in
  9. 19. being your own boss
  10. 20. extremely boring job
  1. 1. relationship with your colleagues
  2. 2. boring job as it never changes
  3. 3. a small business that has just started
  4. 5. a period of time worked during the day
  5. 7. a person who works for different companies
  6. 8. synonym for colleagues
  7. 11. a type of job with no prospects of promotion
  8. 12. a person who does the same job as you do
  9. 14. an adjective to describe a job that gives you a lot of satisfaction
  10. 17. a period of time worked during the day