
  1. 2. a warning sign of a heart attack that can make you feel faint
  2. 3. hardening of the arteries
  3. 5. force that one must overcome in strength training
  4. 6. high lipid concentration in blood
  5. 7. lose 5 lbs in one month
  6. 8. exercise can help increase this type of cholesterol
  7. 10. a term encompassing the heart and blood vessels
  8. 14. exercise helps decrease this
  9. 17. third part of CPR
  10. 18. second part of CPR
  11. 21. what bmi stands for
  12. 24. production of new blood vessels that can be due to exercise
  13. 27. the end of an exercise session
  1. 1. impairment #1
  2. 2. decrease bmi from 29.8-24.4
  3. 3. fatty deposits lining the inside of an artery
  4. 4. blood pressure readings measure this
  5. 9. type of blood vessel affected by coronary heart disease
  6. 11. "requiring air"
  7. 12. moderate intensity allows you to maintain this while you're exercising
  8. 13. chest pain
  9. 15. the beginning of an exercise session that prepares your body for increasing effort
  10. 16. impairment #2
  11. 19. first word in the clinical term for "heart attack"
  12. 20. a group of symptoms that indicate you are likely having a heart attack or stroke
  13. 22. second word in the clinical term for "heart attack"
  14. 23. blood pressure reading measure this
  15. 24. "without air"
  16. 25. first part of CPR
  17. 26. exercise can help lower this type of cholesterol