
  1. 4. pulse
  2. 5. chest pain
  3. 7. travelling blood clot
  4. 9. artery or vein
  5. 11. heavier than what is considered healthy
  6. 12. artery disease abbr CAD
  7. 13. second part of blood pressure
  8. 16. heart attack
  9. 22. good cholesterol
  10. 24. high blood pressure
  11. 26. bad cholesteral
  12. 27. indicators of heart attack or stroke
  1. 1. average
  2. 2. first part of blood pressure
  3. 3. power or level
  4. 4. high lipid levels in blood
  5. 5. hardening of the arteries
  6. 6. most practical exercise
  7. 8. lower intensity than sprinting
  8. 10. vessel carrying deoxygenated blood back to the heart
  9. 14. measurement involving height and weight
  10. 15. key measurement for cardiovascular health
  11. 17. plaque formation in arteries
  12. 18. warning sign of heart attack
  13. 19. force that a person has to overcome
  14. 20. fat in blood
  15. 21. vessel carrying oxygenated blood throughout the body
  16. 23. blood clot that has not dislodged from origin site
  17. 25. exercise involving equipment with two wheels