
  1. 3. source of heat for most of our atmosphere
  2. 7. Instrument used to measure wind speed
  3. 11. The 2nd most abundant gas (we breathe it)
  4. 12. _____ Science is the study of living organisms and how they interact with our surroundings.
  5. 15. How reflective of solar radiation a surface is.
  6. 16. Amount of water vapor in the air
  7. 19. ___ Masses are large body of air with uniform characteristics horizontally
  8. 22. Most of Earth’s weather occurs in this layer of the atmosphere.
  9. 25. "Incoming solar radiation"
  10. 26. There was once a large hole above Antarctica in this UV reflective layer
  11. 30. This instrument measures atmospheric pressure
  12. 31. A region near the equator with little to no wind
  13. 32. The force exerted by the weight of the atmosphere on Earth
  14. 34. ___ Point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor
  15. 35. The layer of gasses surrounding Earth, held in place by gravity.
  16. 36. livestock and landfills are infamous for producing this gas(hint: CH4)
  17. 37. Amount of water vapor in the air
  1. 1. The _____ Effect is when heat is trapped and deflected back towards Earth by atmospheric gasses.
  2. 2. The outermost layer of the atmosphere, where Earth's atmosphere transitions into space.
  3. 4. Prevailing weather conditions over decade-long time spans in an area.
  4. 5. is the study of the atmosphere, focusing on weather and climate prediction based on atmospheric data.
  5. 6. Any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth
  6. 8. Air moving towards low-pressure areas from high-pressure areas.
  7. 9. Tornado ____ is a region in the central U.S. known for frequent Tornadoes.
  8. 10. the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc
  9. 13. A natural light display in the polar regions, caused by solar particles interacting with the atmosphere
  10. 14. The fourth layer of the atmosphere, characterized by high temperatures.
  11. 17. a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground
  12. 18. The most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere.
  13. 20. The second layer of the atmosphere, containing the ozone layer.
  14. 21. ___ FRONT - Boundary where a cold air mass replaces a warm air mass
  15. 23. This Effect deflects wind and water’s path due to the Earth’s rotation
  16. 24. The layer above the stratosphere, where temperatures decrease with altitude.
  17. 27. Country that experiences the most tornadoes
  18. 28. ___ FRONT - Boundary where a warm air mass replaces a cold air mass
  19. 29. Atmospheric electrical discharge
  20. 33. Vehicle emissions create this type of air pollution