Atomic Age/Korean War

  1. 2. Secret government project to design the first atomic bombs.
  2. 5. Missile delivery system that could transport nuclear weapons across various continents.
  3. 7. The U.S. government believed the Korean War was necessary to prevent this from happening.
  4. 8. U.S. President that ordered the use of the atomic bombs.
  5. 10. The United State's biggest rival after WWII.
  6. 12. Division line of North and South Korea.
  7. 16. Atomic Bomb that was detonated over the city of Hiroshima.
  8. 18. The "Fat Man" atomic bomb was detonated over this city.
  9. 20. Military General given overall control of developing the atomic bomb.
  10. 21. Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicles
  11. 22. New type of nuclear weapon created by the U.S. in 1952.
  1. 1. U.S. General that helped lead ally troops in South Korea.
  2. 3. System based on individual liberty, private business, and entrepreneurship.
  3. 4. The U.S. keeps 40% of its nuclear missiles on these.
  4. 6. System based on government control of business.
  5. 9. One reason for U.S. involvement of the Korean War that involved achieving world domination.
  6. 11. First major conflict during the Cold War
  7. 13. Person who had complete scientific control over developing the atomic bombs.
  8. 14. The Korean War ended with the signing of this.
  9. 15. Theory that if one country falls to communism, then others would soon follow.
  10. 17. Strongest nuclear bomb to date that would irradiate 30% of the world if used.
  11. 19. Type of conflict between two countries where neither side directly engages the other.
  12. 21. Policy that two nations will not risk an attack if both sides have the capability to completely wipe out the other.