Atomic Structure and Radioactivity

  1. 5. The first letter in the greek alphabet
  2. 6. One billionth of a metre.
  3. 10. Splitting the nucleus ('splitting the atom')
  4. 16. Radiation can be used to kill bacteria.
  5. 18. This happens when an electron is removed from an atom.
  6. 20. A subatomic particle that exists in the nucleus.
  7. 21. It contains protons and neutrons.
  8. 22. Something that emits radiation is this.
  9. 24. Ninety Two protons.
  10. 25. Radiation with a wavelength smaller than X-rays.
  11. 26. Radiation is dangerous because it does this.
  1. 1. The mild mannered version of the Hulk.
  2. 2. Sticking small atoms together to create larger ones.
  3. 3. Six protons.
  4. 4. bitten by a radioactive spider
  5. 7. Emitted by radioactive material.
  6. 8. A particular mass of the an element.
  7. 9. An element used in nuclear bombs
  8. 11. Electrons live in these.
  9. 12. Positive subatomic particle.
  10. 13. Has approximately 1/1800 of the mass of a proton.
  11. 14. One sheet of this can block Alpa radiation.
  12. 15. Monster spawned from the waste from nuclear bomb tests.
  13. 17. A dense material that is particular good at absorbing radiation.
  14. 19. Radiation consisting of fast moving electrons
  15. 20. Has a quark composition of UP DOWN DOWN.
  16. 23. The smallest possible particle of an element.