atomic theory

  1. 2. The ______________ experiment discovered the nucleus and the fact that the stom is mostly empty space
  2. 4. an atom with more electrons than protons
  3. 8. |actual-theorectical|/theorectical *100
  4. 9. What is the weight atomic mass of bromine if Br-79 has an abundance of 50.69% and Br-81 has an abundance of 49.31% ( round to nearest whole number)
  5. 10. Law that states compounds form in whole number ratios
  6. 12. An atom with a charge
  7. 15. an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of electron is know as an____________
  8. 16. subatomic particles that are found in the nucleus
  9. 18. Matter can not be created or destroyed
  10. 22. The way in which atomic masses are found when an atom contains an isotope
  11. 25. The scientist who is associated with the planetary atomic model
  12. 26. subatomic particles that are found outside of the nucleus, have a negative charge and relatively no mass
  13. 27. The subatomic particle that has no charge
  14. 28. the first person associated with the idea of the atom
  1. 1. What is the weighted average atomic mass of lead if its isotopes are as follows: Pb-204 1.4%, Pb-206 24.1%, Pb-207 22.1% and Pb-208 52.4%
  2. 3. law that states element can combine in different ratios to make compounds
  3. 5. an atom that has 12 protons and 14 electrons has a _____________ charge
  4. 6. Protons, neutron and electrons are referred to as ____________________ particles
  5. 7. The sum of the masses of all the protons and neutrons in an atom
  6. 11. how many neutron does C-14 have?
  7. 13. an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of electron is know as an____________
  8. 14. Schrodinger's model of the atomic is known as the ______________ or cloud model
  9. 17. the amount of a particular isotope in relation to all other existing isotopes of that element
  10. 19. The number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom
  11. 20. A test in which a solution of a metal is heated in a flame and color is observed due to electrons being excited and then falling back down to a ground state and emitting light
  12. 21. An atom with more protons than electrons
  13. 23. The ______________ experiment discovered the nucleus and the fact that the stom is mostly empty space
  14. 24. The scientist that is credited with discovering the nucleus