Atoms and elements

  1. 2. The smallest atom
  2. 6. What is 12th element in periodic table?
  3. 7. What is Ca?
  4. 12. How many elements scientists have discovered?
  5. 13. What is the smallest particle of a compound called
  6. 18. No charged particles
  7. 20. Can atoms are destroyed?
  8. 21. A group of atoms bonded tightly together
  9. 23. The arrow in period table
  1. 1. Which is the most common non-metal found in the earth's crust?
  2. 3. Who was the first to publish a period table?
  3. 4. How many main groups do Periodic table have?
  4. 5. What is the biggest element
  5. 7. What is 17th element in Periodic table?
  6. 8. How many elements have been made in laboratories?
  7. 9. Which handed side of Period table have metals
  8. 10. The least metallic atom
  9. 11. Positively charged particles
  10. 14. What is Sulfur dioxide?
  11. 15. What is Na?
  12. 16. How long is atom's life?
  13. 17. A substance made up of only one type of atom
  14. 19. How many rows in Periodic table?
  15. 22. which one is bigger? molecules or ununennium What is 119th element?