
  1. 1. Most common attachment type
  2. 2. Innate biological motivator
  3. 5. Produces conditioned response
  4. 9. Controlled observation to test attachment
  5. 11. Mental representaion of attachment to primary caregiver
  6. 12. Conditioning - learning to associate 2 stimuli together
  7. 13. 1st of Schaffer's stages of attachments
  8. 14. Conditioning - learning to repeat behaviour from its consequences
  1. 1. releasers Innate cute behaviours
  2. 3. Reflect each others actions
  3. 4. ____ anxiety - response to unfamiliar adults
  4. 6. One particular attachment
  5. 7. Respond to each others' signals and elicit a response
  6. 8. ____ anxiety - response to carer leaving the room
  7. 10. Important time for attachment to form