Attachment Revision

  1. 4. van ijzendoorn cross cultural study type
  2. 12. mental representation from an attachment with primary caregiver
  3. 16. no stranger or separation anxiety
  4. 18. most desirable attachment type
  5. 19. third stage of attachment
  6. 20. interaction when each person interacts with each others actions
  7. 23. reason for causes such as mental retardation and affectionless psychopathy
  8. 24. getting stripped away of an attachment between the primary caregiver
  1. 1. crying,screaming,laughing,cooing
  2. 2. the lacking of the primary care giver
  3. 3. highest secure percentage
  4. 5. observation of the security of attachments
  5. 6. lowest avoidant percentage
  6. 7. final stage of attachment
  7. 8. second stage of attachment
  8. 9. preferred surrogate mother
  9. 10. Bowlby's theory of attachment
  10. 11. conditioning that reinforces a behaviour good or bad
  11. 13. Lorenz's definition for early attachment
  12. 14. high stranger and separation anxiety, resists comfort
  13. 15. role is with playing with the child
  14. 17. first stage of attachment
  15. 19. child sees mother as a secure base to explore
  16. 21. conditioning that associates something neutral with the feeling of pleasure
  17. 22. creators of the lovequiz to distinguish influence of early attachment on later relationships