Attackers and Defenders

  1. 2. When immune system reacts to something "harmless"
  2. 4. The immune system attacks when these enter the body
  3. 6. This liquid has germ-killing properties
  4. 7. The linings of your nose & mouth are...
  5. 8. This structure is in the center of many cells.
  6. 10. You have lots of these in your nose to trap germs
  7. 11. This is a kind of fever that you can’t catch
  8. 12. Disease-causing agents are called...
  9. 14. Also called microorganism
  10. 15. Illness with a red, blotchy rash
  11. 16. Helps tag & destroy invaders before they can spread
  12. 19. Microbe-trapping slime in the nose is called ...
  13. 20. Some immune cells [blank] up invaders like candy
  14. 21. There are many kinds of this defender cell
  1. 1. Microbe that doesn't have a defined nucleus
  2. 3. Type1 is caused by an immune system mistake
  3. 5. Something that triggers an immune response
  4. 7. A useful tool for observing microbes
  5. 9. Another word for "mutate"
  6. 13. The approximate # of cells in the immune system
  7. 17. When harmful microbes invade & start reproducing
  8. 18. This immune system cell is destroyed by HIV