Au lycée
- 1. A pencil
- 3. The table
- 5. The box
- 7. A crayon
- 8. The bookshelf
- 9. Computer science
- 10. English
- 13. Biologie
- 14. A high school
- 15. A glue
- 18. Physics
- 20. Monday
- 22. techno Technology
- 25. A folder
- 26. The chair
- 27. A marker
- 28. A public school
- 30. The window
- 31. History
- 32. Scissors
- 35. The whiteboard
- 36. Friday
- 1. Middle school
- 2. Physical education
- 4. The door
- 5. The stapler
- 6. Tuesday
- 8. Geography
- 9. musique Music
- 11. The garbage can
- 12. Thursday
- 16. The tape
- 17. Economics
- 19. spanish
- 21. A class
- 22. The desk
- 23. An eraser
- 24. Wednesday
- 26. The drawer
- 27. A course
- 29. The teacher
- 31. The cupboard
- 33. maths Math
- 34. Paper