August 2022

  1. 5. The use of words whose sound suggest the sense
  2. 6. A witty person
  3. 8. An object or event that serves as a plot device in fiction, but is ultimately irrelevant
  4. 9. (Psychology) A pattern imposed on complex reality or experience to assist in explaining it, mediate perception, or guide response
  5. 12. Distinction made by contrasting the different qualities of two things
  6. 14. A very large, thin traditional Scandinavian cookie prepared by pouring batter into an appliance much like a waffle iron and then rolling the warm cookie around a cone form
  7. 16. To hide in a corner
  8. 19. A thick, woolen rug with a shaggy pile, originally handwoven in Greece
  9. 21. A traveler or wayfarer
  10. 22. (Games) The lowest possible throw of dice, two single pips
  1. 1. Warm, welcoming, and hospitable
  2. 2. Dark grayish blue or purple
  3. 3. Alone or unaccompanied (used especially as a stage direction
  4. 4. A nosey person; a busybody
  5. 7. A full moon; the time of a full moon
  6. 10. To give forth flashes of light; sparkle and glitter
  7. 11. An animal whose tongue is similar to a human tongue, making possible sounds similar to human speech
  8. 13. The point at which someone or something is best, perfect, or most successful
  9. 15. The ability to produce a desired or intended result
  10. 17. A state of serene calmness
  11. 18. A uproar; a hubbub
  12. 20. (Computing) A persistent virtual environment that allows access to and interoperability of multiple individual virtual realities