August Puzzle

  1. 3. The team who won Office Olympics.
  2. 4. The number of people with birthdays in August.
  3. 6. The country the Olympics originated in.
  4. 7. What the 5 rings in the Olympics stand for.
  5. 8. The person who put together our kitchen backsplash.
  6. 11. Who won the Self-Care Bingo challenge?
  7. 13. Who is now an Autodesk Certified Professional?
  1. 1. The park we went to for the RLE picnic.
  2. 2. The party theme Kayla is having.
  3. 5. One of the people that turned 30 this year.
  4. 9. Who's retiring this year.
  5. 10. The participation award at the Office Olympics.
  6. 12. Won Best Dressed at RLE Office Olympics