Aural Evaluations and Procedures
- 2. medical term for ear wax
- 5. type of yeast that causes yeast infections in of the ear
- 7. instrument used to examine the ear
- 10. aka ear cone
- 11. abbreviation for both ears
- 12. the way sound travels from the outer ear to the inner ear
- 14. medical term referring to the ear
- 15. the result of the separation of the tissue of the ear and the ear cartilage
- 17. this membrane is also called the ear drum
- 1. term used for removal of excessive hair from ear canals
- 3. the auditory ossicle that contacts the ear drum
- 4. instrument used to pluck ears
- 6. abbreviation for left ear
- 8. the aural anatomy responsible for hearing
- 9. this would be the first procedure you would perform for re-occurring aural infections
- 12. the first ear canal you enter on aural exam
- 13. (2 words) instrument used to flush ears
- 16. abbreviation for right ear