Austin Li

  1. 2. Obstinate.
  2. 5. I am the ___of my dad.
  3. 7. My favourite novel.
  4. 10. The class I got into.
  5. 11. Always not cheerful.
  6. 12. The people you play with at school.
  7. 15. Full of Energy.
  8. 18. My favourite game in Roblox.
  9. 20. My least favourite jellybean flavour.
  1. 1. A synonym for curious (11 letters).
  2. 3. Thin.
  3. 4. Chatty.
  4. 6. My favourite manga series.
  5. 8. My favourite sport.
  6. 9. I am weird, berserk, and _____.
  7. 13. Your brothers and sisters.
  8. 14. My favourite gaming platform.
  9. 16. My favourite subject altogether.
  10. 17. My sister's name.
  11. 19. Hilarious.