Australia's trade relationships with other countries

  1. 3. Australia is described as this as they trade with other countries. (pg. 44)
  2. 9. This existed between Australia and the Asian region and means to benefit each other. (pg. 45&57)
  3. 10. When did China replace Japan as Australia's trading partner? (pg. 45)
  4. 14. Exports result in money flowing ______ the Australian economy. (pg. 44)
  5. 16. In the 1950s which Asian country started to emerge as a significant market for Australian products. (pg. 45)
  6. 18. Movement of people to a new country seeking a better life.
  7. 19. In recent years _____________ ______________ have been among Australia's key exports. (pg. 45)
  8. 22. Which two countries along with mainland Europe made up Australia's major trading partners before the 1960's? (pg. 45)
  9. 24. Which country is said to have some of the largest and highest-quality deposits of minerals? (pg. 46)
  10. 25. Imports result in money flowing _____ of the Australian economy. (pg. 44)
  11. 26. Trade involves two things ____________ and _____________. (pg. 44)
  12. 27. An example of a manufactured good is ___________. (pg. 46)
  13. 29. Term used to describe two countries/regions that rely on each other.
  14. 30. The _____________ _______________ has predicted that India will overtake China as the worlds most populous nation on 2022. (pg. 45)
  1. 1. These two things are the main services Australia exports: t___________ and e______________.
  2. 2. Between the 1870s-1960s Australia's main export was __________. (pg. 45)
  3. 4. Name the country who is Australia's top trading partner. (pg. 44)
  4. 5. The development of ______________ ___________ in the 1960s led to a drop in wool prices. (pg. 46)
  5. 6. In 2014-15 the value of trade in Australia was how much? (pg. 44)
  6. 7. This is the combination of goods and services imported and exported. (pg. 45)
  7. 8. Australia mostly imports _________________ ________ as it is cheaper for then to be made overseas. (pg. 46)
  8. 11. Wool, wheat and beef together are known as _________________ ______________ and are still important exports of Australia today. (pg. 46)
  9. 12. There is greater demand for ______________ from growing nations of Asia. (pg. 46)
  10. 13. This term refers to the countries that Australia trades with. (pg. 44)
  11. 15. When did China's rapid growth begin resulting in more demand for Australian exports? (pg. 45)
  12. 17. Trade is very important to Australia's _____________________. (pg. 44)
  13. 20. Australia imports overseas travel, oil products and high-tech items as they are not _________________ ______________ or produced in the country. (pg. 45)
  14. 21. Towards which country is Australia's next shift in trade likely to be? (pg. 45)
  15. 23. What was the statistic for the number of people living in Australia in 2015 were born overseas? (pg. 46)
  16. 28. In which country are 4 out of Australia's top 5 trade relationships? (pg. 44)