Author's Craft

  1. 2. - conversation between two or more people
  2. 4. - object representing deeper meaning
  3. 6. - Position of negative words used to show feelings about a topic that exists in the text.
  4. 8. - when the opposite of what you expect happens
  5. 10. - saying one thing but meaning another
  6. 11. - to enhance meaning of the language
  7. 12. Question - a question that is not answered; meant to provoke meaning
  8. 13. -language that appeals to our senses to create a picture in our minds
  9. 15. - repeating words or phrases to stress importance
  10. 16. - lesson learned
  1. 1. - giving an object or animal human like qualities.
  2. 3. of view - The perspective of the character or narrator.
  3. 5. - the emotions/feelings conveyed through language of a text
  4. 7. - a figure of speech that makes reference to a place, person, or something that happened
  5. 9. - sound words
  6. 14. - a sudden realization of truth