Autonomous communities and capitals

  1. 3. Its capital is Zaragoza
  2. 5. It is the capital of Región de Murcia
  3. 7. It is the capital of Castilla y León
  4. 11. Its capital is Barcelona
  5. 12. It is the capital of La Rioja
  6. 13. It is the capital of Comunidad de Madrid
  7. 15. The capital of this community is Santiago de Compostela
  1. 1. Its capital is Mérida
  2. 2. It is the community of Santander
  3. 4. It is the capital of Comunidad Foral de Navarra
  4. 6. The capital is Sevilla
  5. 8. It is the capital of País Vasco
  6. 9. It is the capital of Castilla la Mancha
  7. 10. It is the capital of Comunidad Valenciana
  8. 14. Ii is the capital of Principado de Asturias