
  1. 5. Annual Tournament with Waterville PD
  2. 7. Likes your earring
  3. 8. Vassalboro Popcorn Eater
  4. 9. On the corner of College Ave and--
  5. 11. Wishes she was abducted by aliens.
  6. 13. Joe calls her "Lindsey"
  7. 14. 25th anniversary
  8. 15. Famous For Chuck Wagon Beans TM
  9. 16. The Fall Classic.
  1. 1. He is also known as Kilometers
  2. 2. Some staff climb this on the weekends
  3. 3. He drinks a lot of coffee
  4. 4. Hides In The Corner and Cries.
  5. 6. She Left us
  6. 10. Something The Frost Is ON.
  7. 12. Where Kids Go Back in the fall.
  8. 13. Can No longer wear heels