  1. 3. Students give a 60-second speech that ends with a Tutorial Question from the ___.
  2. 6. Students have to use a vocab that's related to a central topic
  3. 9. Students must ___ what they learn from their POC
  4. 11. Students ____ a concept the don't understand
  5. 13. The academic ____ takes place between the 60-second Speech & Synthesis
  6. 14. Students end their speech by asking their ____ Question.
  1. 1. ____ to support transitions between presenters.
  2. 2. The pre-work includes initial ____, vocabulary, and knowledge about the concept
  3. 4. Tutors check a students understanding and clarify the POC
  4. 5. A 60-second Synthesis articulating the inquiry of the group
  5. 7. Your tutor makes sure your TRF is ____.
  6. 8. What students identify in coursework
  7. 9. Students must give a 60-second ____.
  8. 10. Students apply tutorial ___ & learning in classes
  9. 12. Students must complete the ____.