Avinash Kumar EECE.3110 Assignment 1

  1. 3. a mode on the waveforms oscilloscope display which has X and Y axes
  2. 5. sequences of characters shown between ''
  3. 11. tools in Multisim (and real life) that allow users to take various measurements
  4. 12. the front of the function generator with various buttons that control the instrument
  5. 14. section of the lab report that contains an overview of the lab
  6. 15. a part of the course grade, based on whether or not you show up to class
  7. 16. the peak AC voltage being supplied by the ADK Wavegen
  8. 17. the name of the waveform/function generator in waveforms
  9. 22. a collection of data that is acquired and shown on the display
  10. 24. the name of the oscilloscope tool in waveforms
  11. 27. space in the notebook without anything written; should be crossed out with a single "X"
  12. 28. a setting on the oscilloscope that automatically adjusts the instrument settings to display the waveform
  13. 30. test equipment that graphs an outputted waveform
  14. 31. a form of cheating which includes copying material without citing it
  15. 33. a small safety component located on the back panel of the power supply which provides overcurrent protection
  16. 36. graphs in MATLAB that show specified data sets
  17. 38. the process of combining two pieces of metal with melted solder
  18. 40. how measurements should be organized in the lab notebook
  19. 41. a safety feature in the power supply which turns the power off if the supply exceeds a certain temperature
  20. 44. the power supply has three of these which allows it to supply up to three different voltages
  21. 46. an event that becomes the initial point from which the rest of the waveform is built on
  22. 47. a panel on the Wavegen which allows a user to change the settings of the output waveform
  23. 48. a setting which prevents either the voltage or current from exceeding a certain amount
  24. 49. a good notebook should be held together by a strong one of these
  1. 1. a feature of the function generator that varies the output frequency based on a start and stop frequency
  2. 2. last name of ECE Laboratory Manager
  3. 4. the idea of being respectful while online
  4. 6. messages that explain what went wrong when something does not react as the power supply expects it to
  5. 7. a tool in Multisim which displays data from different analyses on a graph
  6. 8. an electrical piece of a circuit
  7. 9. includes reading the entire lab procedure, performing calculations, preparing your notebook, and creating a draft lab report
  8. 10. section of the lab report that contains the citations used in the lab
  9. 13. the name of the power supply in waveforms
  10. 18. the operation of combining multiple arrays
  11. 19. contains circuit diagrams, data tables, and organizations while conducting the lab
  12. 20. different settings that can be adjusted to change the waveforms
  13. 21. a messy signal that the function generator can create
  14. 23. the ability to bring back a saved oscilloscope setup or waveform
  15. 25. used to store screenshots from the benchtop oscilloscope or to back up data
  16. 26. the software used with the Analog Discovery
  17. 29. the master control which turns all of the ADK supplies on and off at once
  18. 31. a type of waveform that can be selected by the function generator and has only one peak
  19. 32. the device used for any at home measurements in this course
  20. 34. a digital diagram of a circuit
  21. 35. an array with two dimensions; in MATLAB it is shown between [] with ; separating each row
  22. 37. a feature of Multisim which allows users to see what how the circuit should ideally behave
  23. 39. pictures of circuits done by hand that should be included in the notebook
  24. 42. a setting in the ADK supply which automatically matches the negative supply to be the opposite of the positive supply
  25. 43. program files that can take inputs and can return outputs
  26. 45. in-person assessment that happens twice a semester where you can showcase your abilities in a lab setting