Avoir Idioms + Seasons and Months
- 3. the first month of summer
- 4. the month we go back to school
- 5. sleepy
- 8. need
- 13. afraid
- 14. the season you don't have school
- 15. the first month of the year
- 16. the month of Thanksgiving
- 20. thirsty
- 23. the month of Halloween
- 24. the season of Christmas
- 1. the season you go back to school
- 2. the month of Christmas
- 6. the first month of the fall
- 7. ashamed
- 9. to have
- 10. the season the flowers bloom
- 11. the month of Fools
- 12. the month of Valentine's Day
- 15. the month of Independence Day
- 17. correct
- 18. the month school ends
- 19. the month of Spring Break
- 21. hungry
- 22. wrong