Awesome Summer Program Kids

  1. 1. Has 2 younger siblings, like playing games on his phone after outside time.
  2. 3. Plays soccer, has 3 siblings
  3. 4. Has glasses, goes to Carey Elementary.
  4. 5. Is cousins with someone in the center, just got back from Kentucky.
  5. 8. Is going into 1st grade, Miss Bry spelled his name wrong on his name tag.
  6. 10. Has dirty blonde hair, has a little brother in preschool at Bright Minds.
  7. 13. Likes to play with her tablet, has the same name as someone else in the group.
  8. 15. Loves to play with leggos, goes to Union Elementary.
  9. 16. Loves sonic, his mom works next door.
  1. 1. Has dirty blonde hair, has a little brother in preschool at Bright Minds.
  2. 2. Has brown hair, plays baseball, and is the oldest in the group.
  3. 4. Loves to go camping, Miss Bry will go to the same schools as her next year.
  4. 6. Does dance, has 2 younger siblings that go to Bright Minds.
  5. 7. . Has blonde/red hair, her mom works at the center
  6. 9. Has bright blonde hair, is the youngest in the group.
  7. 11. Has light brown hair, goes to OLC, loves cats.
  8. 12. Is the oldest of her siblings, enjoys drawing and coloring.
  9. 14. Has a new baby sister coming soon in her moms tummy, loves to color coloring pages.