AWS Crossword

  1. 6. Build service for continuous integration
  2. 7. Desktop application streaming
  3. 8. Automated application deployment
  4. 13. Run code without provisioning servers
  5. 14. Infrastructure as code
  6. 17. Threat detection service
  7. 19. In-memory caching service
  8. 20. Real-time data streaming
  1. 1. DNS web service
  2. 2. Content delivery network
  3. 3. Data protection and privacy service
  4. 4. Automated security assessment
  5. 5. Business intelligence service
  6. 9. NoSQL database service
  7. 10. Monitoring and logging service
  8. 11. Serverless compute for containers
  9. 12. Simple cloud hosting service
  10. 14. Continuous delivery service
  11. 15. Low-cost archival storage
  12. 16. Data warehousing service
  13. 18. Serverless SQL query service