  1. 2. Total combined sales for Losec and Nexium in Ireland now exceed half a _______
  2. 5. The first food company to become embroiled in the current horsemeat scandal
  3. 9. These notes were for billions
  4. 11. Our development product for rheumatoid arthritis
  5. 14. Once weekly injection for diabetes
  6. 15. The central banker known as 'Super mario'
  7. 16. We want to make AZ a _____ place to work
  8. 17. You could put this rep of the year in trifle!
  1. 1. We need to understand, identify and ________ against government interventions in 2013/14
  2. 3. Brians's daughter
  3. 4. Zinforo is active against MRSA but what does M stand for
  4. 6. Pascal wants us to _______ growth
  5. 7. Currently our biggest selling product
  6. 8. We bought this development product in - it prevents gout
  7. 10. In AZ Ireland we mostly avoid collisions but in Sweden this animal is involved in 20% of car collisions
  8. 12. Our mission is to make the most __________ difference to patients through great medicines
  9. 13. Our number one priority brand for 2013