Azriel's work

  1. 3. system – the way a group answers the three basic questions: what to
  2. 5. – anything that goes through a gradual transition
  3. 6. – people or groups who get a good or service, the shoppers/buyers
  4. 7. – special paper or metal that has an assigned value and is used to buy
  5. 8. – the total value of all goods and services created in a country in a year
  6. 9. – to make less likely to happen
  7. 10. how much a product is wanted by the consumers (buyers)
  8. 11. – something that a person invests into a business; it can be money, property
  9. 13. people
  10. 15. – to give something and get something in return
  1. 1. – building used to make, store, and ship goods
  2. 2. capital – investing in training and education
  3. 4. – to make something more likely to happen
  4. 8. – good things about something
  5. 12. how to produce, and for whom to produce
  6. 14. – the bad things about something
  7. 15. – to block trade with a country