Aztecs, Incas, Mayas

  1. 2. City Area where the Aztec capital once stood
  2. 4. Aztec creation god
  3. 7. Solar calendar used by the Mayas
  4. 9. de Alvarado Sent by Cortés to conquer the Mayas in Guatemala in 1523
  5. 10. II Aztec ruler who greeted Cortés with gifts of gold and other treasures
  6. 11. Guatemala One of the oldest and greatest Mayan centers with thousands of structures and artifacts.
  7. 12. A cluster of stars used to indicate to the Aztecs that the earth would not end
  8. 15. Round A Mayan calendar with specific numbers and day names that coincided once every 52 years
  9. 16. Webs of knots used by the Incans to record goods, services, and other numerical data
  10. 17. Bingham Discovered the ruins of the Incan city of Machu Picchu in 1911
  1. 1. Books written by Aztec scribes to keep track of history and their calendar
  2. 3. Symbols used by the Aztecs in their writing
  3. 4. Aztec creation goddess
  4. 5. Mayan calendar that functioned as a 260-day sacred almanac
  5. 6. Cortés Spanish explorer who landed on the Gulf of Mexico in 1519
  6. 8. Pizarro / Spanish explorer who invaded the Incan Empire in 1532
  7. 13. Stone Aztec legends to explain celestial phenomena, natural disasters, and seasonal cycles
  8. 14. Codex A Mayan book with examples of their numbers from the eleventh century
  9. 16. camayoc Expert Incan accountants