B3 2021 Eilers

  1. 4. the green house gas most commonly associated with livestock
  2. 10. dioxide the greenhouse gas the humans emit the most of
  3. 11. climate change and in increase in precipitation cause these natural disasters
  4. 12. Aurora borealis takes place in this layer
  5. 13. earth's _____ absorbs sunlight
  6. 15. without the greenhouse effect temperatures on earth would be much (higher/lower)
  7. 19. the number one way in which greenhouse gases are emitted
  8. 22. comprises ~20% of our atmosphere
  9. 23. levels melting ice caps are causing them to rise
  10. 24. a change of temperature with altitude
  11. 25. vapor the most abundant greenhouse gas
  1. 1. the method of heat transfer through which earth receives sunlight
  2. 2. planes fly here
  3. 3. a layer in the stratosphere that blocks out UV radition
  4. 5. a process the ocean has began to undergone from global warming and lower pH levels
  5. 6. oxide a greenhouse gas three times more powerful than carbon dioxide
  6. 7. the atmospheric layer with weather
  7. 8. they were banned for harming the ozone
  8. 9. fuels the burning of these cause climate change
  9. 14. the third most common atmospheric gas
  10. 16. a long period with little to no precipitation
  11. 17. most of the atmosphere is this gas
  12. 18. meteorites burn up in this layer
  13. 20. the blanket of gases that surround earth
  14. 21. the greenhouse effect traps this in