BA 200 Vocabulary Review

  1. 2. A worn-out phrase
  2. 6. Industry specific language
  3. 7. Comparing two unlike items
  4. 8. To conclude from evidence
  5. 9. What you do with Easter eggs
  6. 11. You need this to fulfill your life
  7. 13. High-context cultures are like this
  8. 14. Another word for exhort
  9. 18. What leverage can do to people
  10. 21. Another word for unpredictable
  11. 23. Something that will happen soon.
  12. 24. An impossible position to defend
  13. 25. What affectation is in writing
  1. 1. A written lie
  2. 3. The "Lion" of temperaments
  3. 4. A person's motto is based on this.
  4. 5. You can do this to your vocabulary and knives but not friends.
  5. 10. A highly-sociable temperament
  6. 12. Where Mr. K built a fence this summer.
  7. 15. What ubiquitous means
  8. 16. Mr. K's alma mater
  9. 17. A synonym for precarious
  10. 19. A nice way to say something offensive
  11. 20. All the English vowels appear in order in this word
  12. 22. To state something indirectly