Babies Galore!

  1. 4. You change them 10x a day?
  2. 6. Baby's cup
  3. 8. Frequent, intense crying by a baby
  4. 9. Alternative to Natural birth
  5. 12. Process of giving birth
  6. 13. Test to check baby in the womb?
  7. 14. Newborn's one piece?
  8. 15. baby distracter
  9. 18. Baby's first word?
  1. 1. Fraternal or _______
  2. 2. Duration of pregnancy
  3. 3. 1 yr. off?
  4. 5. Baby TV
  5. 7. pain relief needle
  6. 10. Wrap up baby tightly
  7. 11. Baby's room
  8. 16. Cute Baby cries
  9. 17. alternative to breast milk?