Baby Bat

  1. 2. mouth broom
  2. 3. Laura’s job title
  3. 4. road thru the mountains abbr.
  4. 5. you like it black
  5. 6. juicy with bumps
  6. 8. walk like a..
  7. 11. the next president
  8. 12. duh
  9. 13. brewery downtown
  10. 14. I want a …
  11. 15. center of the universe
  1. 1. husband en espanol
  2. 3. fake Hawaiian gf
  3. 4. hoppy
  4. 7. he likes kisses and smells
  5. 8. grody and
  6. 9. your favorite response
  7. 10. local team and leafers