Baby Bee

  1. 4. _____ bees are young bees, three to ten days old, which feed and take care of developing brood.
  2. 9. ________insemination. The introduction of drone spermatozoa into the genital organs of a virgin queen by means of special instruments.
  3. 11. A small swarm which may leave the hive after the first or primary swarm has departed. These usually have less bees associated with them than the primary swarm.
  4. 13. To add to the number of colonies, usually by dividing those on hand.
  5. 14. Honey ________. A specially designed organ in the abdomen of the honey bee used for carrying nectar, honey, or water.
  6. 15. The second stage of bee metamorphosis; a white, legless, grublike insect.
  7. 17. _______ house. A building used for extracting honey and storing equipment.
  8. 18. The third region of the body of a bee enclosing the honey stomach, true stomach, intestine, sting, and reproductive organs.
  1. 1. An enzyme produced by the honey bee which helps to transform sucrose to dextrose and levulose.
  2. 2. _____hive is a hive made largely of glass or clear plastic to allow for the observation of bees at work.
  3. 3. The science and art of raising honey bees.
  4. 5. swarm - an entire colony of bees that abandons the hive because of disease, wax moth, excessive heat or water, lack of resources, or other reasons.
  5. 6. A female bee with a fully developed reproductive system, and she is larger and longer than a worker bee.
  6. 7. ______ cover. A lightweight cover used under a standard telescoping cover on a beehive.
  7. 8. _______ bees are a quantity of adult bees (2 to 5 pounds), with or without a queen, contained in a screened shipping cage with a food source.
  8. 10. Colonies, hives, and other equipment assembled in one location for beekeeping operations; also known as a bee yard.
  9. 12. The name of the disease caused by the tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi).
  10. 16. American __________. A brood disease of honey bees caused by the spore-forming bacterium, Paenibacillus larvae. The spore stage of the bacterium can remain viable for many years, making is difficult to eliminate the disease.